Deadline for submission: 10 September 2023

CTM 2024 – Call for Hybrid Radio/Live Works

Appel à projets

The CTM Radio Lab sup­ports the crea­tion of new works that explore the inter­sec­tion of radio with live per­for­mance within the context of the festival’s year­ly theme. The ini­tia­tive is led by CTM Fes­ti­val and Deut­schland­funk Kul­tur – Radio Art / Klang­kunst in col­la­bo­ra­tion with Goethe-Ins­ti­tut, ORF musik­pro­to­koll im stei­ri­schen herbst, and Ö1 Kuns­tra­dio. In 2024 it is also pre­sen­ted within the fra­me­work of the sound art ini­tia­tive tekhne.

This year the Radio Lab focus is on live per­for­mance for­mats (rather than ins­tal­la­tions). Pro­jects must respond to CTM 2024’s theme of Sus­tain, and more spe­ci­fi­cal­ly engage with the eman­ci­pa­to­ry poten­tial of tech­no­lo­gy in music and sound art, which is the core focus of tekhnē. Nar­ra­tive, spe­cu­la­tive, inves­ti­ga­tive approaches might for example explore tech­no­lo­gy as a tool to cor­rupt or streng­then demo­cra­cy, his­to­ries or poten­tials of radio and modern broad­cas­ting metho­do­lo­gies, the agen­cy of users, acces­si­bi­li­ty, or other. Live per­for­mances should be concep­tua­li­sed in such a way that a radio piece can be crea­ted in the same spi­rit.


  • Two selec­ted works will be sup­por­ted by a fee of 5000 € each. The com­mis­sion win­ners are res­pon­sible for cove­ring costs
  • Win­ners will be offe­red a short resi­den­cy in Janua­ry 2024 to fina­lise their live pre­sen­ta­tion at CTM 2024
  • Deut­schland­funk Kul­tur and CTM Fes­ti­val will pro­vide sup­port, coun­sel­ling, and gene­ral assis­tance during the pro­duc­tion of the work


Dead­line for sub­mis­sion : 10 Sep­tem­ber 2023 at 23:59 local Ber­lin time (UTC+2)


More info here