DEADLINE: January 31st 2024 – 11pm CET

YASS ! Mentorship Program & Production Grant 2023 • 2024

Appel à projets

Do you have an idea for an audio piece or a work-in-pro­gress you need sup­port for ? If you are willing to learn and share your crea­tive pro­cess with an expe­rien­ced men­tor, you are in the right place !

Two audio makers will be selec­ted to work with the YASS ! (You Are So Sound!) men­tors Cris­tal Duhaime and Yas­mi­na Ham­la­wi bet­ween Februa­ry and Sep­tem­ber 2024. The works will pre­mie­red at Lucia Fes­ti­val.


What do the men­tees get from YASS!?

• 40 hours of the Men­tor­ship Pro­gram
To be sche­du­led accor­ding to the needs of both men­tees and men­tors,
• Pro­duc­tion grant : €1.500/each
• Inter­na­tio­nal cir­cu­la­tion of the final pro­duc­tions
• Pre­sen­ta­tion of the pro­duc­tions at Lucia Fes­ti­val 2024

The Authors/Producers will keep the rights to their works, but will grant Radio Papesse and LUCIA Fes­ti­val the permission/right to make them acces­sible online – on and – in the frame of rela­ted events (such as edu­ca­tio­nal pro­grams, lis­te­ning ses­sions…), to sub­mit them to inter­na­tio­nal fes­ti­vals and events and to use them for non-com­mer­cial uses in gene­ral.


DEADLINE : Janua­ry 31st 2024 – 11pm CET

More info here